Where to start... Well, I think I'll wrap up some of the non-line sewing bits first. I noticed that the Canadian Smocking I did on my jumpsuit wasn't clear from my crappy phone pictures, so I thought I'd offer a zoomed in crappy phone picture so it would be easier to see.
Cool, huh?
As far as the crazy 1980s Mardi Gras entertainers fabric, I've chosen some easy pajama pants and a loose sweatshirt to make with it. I have them both cut out with a little extra fabric to spare (an obnoxious pillow, perhaps?), and I plan on making them before I go to school. I want to use the serger that my grandparents' friend generously allowed me to borrow at least once, especially because I discovered that it in fact wasn't what I need; I can do everything for my line using the overcast stitch on my Brother machine with the same results and less thread. I feel bad that I asked for it and never used it.

Also, on a non-sewing side note, my mom and I stopped by Borders the other day and I pawed through what's left of their graphic design section. There wasn't much, but I was able to find these four books. I got one on typography, one on various ideas to make printed material stand out (embossing, cutouts, special papers), one on various layout choices and when they're best used, and one that is filled completely with just color combinations (complete with the computer inputs to get the proper colors). The graphic designer in me is so excited to crack these open! The only problem? My art book library is really freakin' heavy.

Now on to info about my fashion line (yay!). To start off, I'd like to discuss my fourth and final "muslin" for pants. I made shorts for this one, because of the ones I'll be making for my second outfit. What I was really testing was the fit of my bootcut pants pattern. I want it to be fitted (not tight) to about the knee and then begin to flare away. The last ones I made were far too loose, so I pulled out a pair of my trousers and traced around the leg to get a shape that I know already works the way I like it. I think these pants worked out well (ignore the issues at the zipper place. I didn't have enough fabric for a waistband or anything else, so I just have it shoddily pinned together.). The fabric makes them look a little strange, but to get the weight that I needed, I ended up using the weird fabric...I can only describe it as a linen knit, because it's definitely knitted, but the end result is a linen feel. Odd.
After testing these and being happy with them, I sewed up my first pair of jeans (which will, as usual, be showcased in their own post). My original intention was to use Jerry for the denim and leather sewing that I plan to do, but since he's currently on vacation, I have to improvise. I know that my Brother is out of the question, because it's had issues with several layers of satin, even with a new needle. My only other choice is Antoinette, but I wasn't entirely confident in the abilities of that machine. As it turns out, I am able to get through it, but my worry was definitely justified; there were several times in which I had to push the needle down with my hand because the force of the motor wasn't enough to get it through the fabric. Hopefully, as I sew more of the jeans, it'll become easier for Antoinette to handle.
Going back to college is going to be a bit difficult (and not just because of all the fabric I have to fit inside half of a dorm room). I'm only taking my Brother machine (Antoinette is staying home because of transportation and space issues, and Jerry is still currently out of commission), so the amount of things that I can do is relatively limited. Also, due to the small amount of space, cutting fabric is going to be a no-go unless I use one of the tables in the lounge.

To prepare for my rapidly approaching schooldays, I've cut out the pieces for all seven of my remaining pairs of pants, all six of my remaining knit shirts, and my Gold Satin Taffeta A-line Gown. Cutting is by far my least favorite part of sewing, so I decided to get most of it over with at the same time ("same time" being loosely used here, as it took me two days to get it all done). While at school, I'll be able to do all the overcasting on the denim with my Brother, and then I'll sew them on weekends or breaks when I'm home. The trousers and gown I'll be able to sew while I'm at college, and I'll be able to sew the bodies of the shirts and leave the finishing for when I'm home. I have no classes on Mondays, so this plan should work out perfectly.

This box is filled with the leftover fabric after I cut everything out. Apparently I'm really bad at approximating the amount of fabric I need. Oh well, better to err on the safe side! And if I manage to finish with my 17 garments early, I'll have enough to add some! I've got ideas already...
I feel that this post (and the next two) should be enough to quell everyone's doubts as to whether or not I'll have enough time to finish this project (I know you've had them. I can sense it. Shame on you...meanies). I probably won't get any more work done until Monday (this weekend is my sister-in-law's baby shower, so I'll be helping my mom get all the stuff ready for that), so don't be alarmed when I don't post (after the little posting I've done over the past month-ish, it shouldn't be surprising). Stay tuned for the next two posts--two more pieces!