The purpose of this blog is to chronicle the next 9(ish) months of my life until I present my senior project. The project I have chosen is an 18 outfit, 38 piece fashion line, which will be entirely designed and made by me.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Stats For Piece #8

Oops! I just realized that I never gave the stats for my first pair of jeans! This'll be a quick post...

Total Hours Logged: 5-6 not including making and testing the pattern, 17-18 including the patternmaking

Fabric: 6oz denim, (I think the color was called "crosshatch") about 2 1/2 yards

Notions: a 7" metal zipper which I had to cut down to about 5", and a button will make an appearance at some point

Cost: somewhere around $35

The Sign...

Well, it's almost 5:00 in the morning. I realize that I often write at strange, early hours of the day, but this time, the strange hour adds to the hilarity of what's just happened to me.

I've arrived at college, by the way, and all of my stuff is happily put away exactly where I planned for it to go (my mom didn't believe that it would all fit). Approximately 5 hours after I finished moving in, once everything was in its place, I noticed that my campus ID was missing. My ID is what gets me food, and building access, so not having it is a rather large problem. I have a few bowls of mac and cheese, though, so in reality there was no reason for me to have to leave the building for food or anything for at least another day, and my classes don't start until Tuesday, so it didn't seem like too dire of a problem.

I decided to let it be and go to sleep. As it turns out, this is completely impossible when you're worried that you won't be able to eat or leave your dorm ever. So, I began a very thorough search of my room, starting at the wall by the window and moving over from there.

Where did I find it? Hiding among the knitting for the Off-White Hand Knitted Gown/Wedding Dress. I haven't worked on it in over a month, so I feel that it's probably a sign that I should start knitting it again.

I'm barely 10% of the way done with it and I'm already losing things in its bulk. Can you imagine what it's going to be like when it's done?!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just A Few Things Before I Go...

Well, I leave for college on Friday, and I'm almost finished packing (okay, okay, I'm maybe halfway done...but it's progress). I'm a little behind on some fun projects, so here goes (with big pictures!)...

This weekend was my sister-in-law's baby shower. My parents gave her and my brother a lot of the main furniture they'll need (crib, changing table, bassinet) and refinished what needed it. Carrie (my sister-in-law) also had a rocking chair that my mom stained and refinished. We found some nice blue cushions for it, and my mom thought it would be neat to make a little pillow to sit on it. Carrie loves owls, so it was an easy decision to make an owl pillow.

I wanted to make sure that Hannah (Carrie's 5 year old daughter) didn't feel left out, so I made her a matching owl pillow. Aren't they cute!? I'm sure that by the end of the shower, Hannah got cupcakes on her pillow, but what do you expect? She's 5 and adorable!

The shower was held at my aunt's house, because she lives in the same town as Ben (my brother) and Carrie. It's about two and a half hours away from my house, so my parents and I stayed the night. I needed something to sleep in, so I whipped up my crazy Louisiana pajamas!

Aren't they just awful!? It's hysterical! I kind of feel like a pink, pointy cow... Anyways, the sweatshirt/pajama top has a hood and two pockets on the front (not that you can tell due to the insane print). The pants have inseam pockets. I cut the pieces rather loosely from the pattern, and it worked out for the most part. The only issue I have is with the pants. They're almost too short, even though I lengthened the pattern at least two inches. I'll never be able to put these in the dryer. Oh well, I still love them in the way that they're ridiculous and insane.

Today I started working on my Knee Length Darkwash Denim Shorts. They'd be finished right now, but I ran out of thread! So, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to pick some up and finish them. I'll post the pictures then!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Piece #8 Finished!

Drumroll please...OOH! You know what would be better than a drum roll!? A trumpet fanfare!

[Insert trumpet fanfare]

Tada! My first pair of jeans! These in particular are the Wideleg Lightwash Denim Jeans (the term "lightwash" being relative to the other, darker wash of denim that I purchased). Well, it took a while to get here, but I wanted to make sure that I would get them right before I went and cut into my denim. As it turns out, they're the most perfect jeans I've ever put on! I think I may never shop for pants of any kind ever again. It would just be a waste of this fantastic pattern I've been slaving over.

Seriously, though, my butt looks great! Actually, the picture was to show off my pocket placement and shape, but it doesn't show up well...

I'm a little upset that the details and the seams aren't as apparent as they are on store bought jeans, but I realize that this is because store bought jeans are distressed at every crease point. Does anyone know of an easy way to achieve this effect? I'd definitely like it for the pockets so they stand out more.

As with the Black Satin Vest, these jeans aren't totally done, because they're missing the button, and they're also not hemmed. Since I don't have a hanging mannequin (...yet...), I have to be wearing the pants to get the hem right, which means that I'll need a lovely assistant to get all of my hemming done right. That'll be later, though. For now, I'll just stay focused on getting the bulk of the sewing done. Details are for later.

Piece #7 and Outfit #2 Finished!

Yes, you read right, I've finally gotten another outfit finished! It only took me a month...

Anyways, This post is about the Black Satin Vest, which will be shown over the Red Jersey A-line Dress. For the dress I used the same pattern I'm using on the jackets and coat, but I edited the neckline, armholes, and the length.

This vest gave me a number of issues. The main one was probably that it's the first piece that I've had to deal with lining on I didn't use a facing around the edges, so I ended up topstitching around the edges to keep the silver lining from showing through. In the end I'm pleased with it, although it could definitely use a good pressing...

The vest is waiting on buttons, because I haven't bought any for the entire line yet, so technically it's not done, but I'm listing it anyways. I think I'm sticking buttons in the category along with sequins, beads, and any painted designs I choose to go with. Details, details...

I really thought adding the chain detail on the back would look cool, but they're improperly placed and just remind me of some kind of biker wannabe when I pair it with the red. I was going to move them down about three inches, but now I think it would look better to just remove them entirely. I just think it'll be better for everyone that way...

Total Hours Logged: I honestly am not sure at all, but I'm guessing that it would be somewhere around 4 without including making the pattern and testing it

Fabric: Black Crepe Back Satin and Silver Lining Fabric approximately 3/4 yard each

Notions: small chain which will be removed, 3 buttons which will be added

Cost: under $20

Prepping For School...

Where to start... Well, I think I'll wrap up some of the non-line sewing bits first. I noticed that the Canadian Smocking I did on my jumpsuit wasn't clear from my crappy phone pictures, so I thought I'd offer a zoomed in crappy phone picture so it would be easier to see.

Cool, huh?

As far as the crazy 1980s Mardi Gras entertainers fabric, I've chosen some easy pajama pants and a loose sweatshirt to make with it. I have them both cut out with a little extra fabric to spare (an obnoxious pillow, perhaps?), and I plan on making them before I go to school. I want to use the serger that my grandparents' friend generously allowed me to borrow at least once, especially because I discovered that it in fact wasn't what I need; I can do everything for my line using the overcast stitch on my Brother machine with the same results and less thread. I feel bad that I asked for it and never used it.

Also, on a non-sewing side note, my mom and I stopped by Borders the other day and I pawed through what's left of their graphic design section. There wasn't much, but I was able to find these four books. I got one on typography, one on various ideas to make printed material stand out (embossing, cutouts, special papers), one on various layout choices and when they're best used, and one that is filled completely with just color combinations (complete with the computer inputs to get the proper colors). The graphic designer in me is so excited to crack these open! The only problem? My art book library is really freakin' heavy.

Now on to info about my fashion line (yay!). To start off, I'd like to discuss my fourth and final "muslin" for pants. I made shorts for this one, because of the ones I'll be making for my second outfit. What I was really testing was the fit of my bootcut pants pattern. I want it to be fitted (not tight) to about the knee and then begin to flare away. The last ones I made were far too loose, so I pulled out a pair of my trousers and traced around the leg to get a shape that I know already works the way I like it. I think these pants worked out well (ignore the issues at the zipper place. I didn't have enough fabric for a waistband or anything else, so I just have it shoddily pinned together.). The fabric makes them look a little strange, but to get the weight that I needed, I ended up using the weird fabric...I can only describe it as a linen knit, because it's definitely knitted, but the end result is a linen feel. Odd.

After testing these and being happy with them, I sewed up my first pair of jeans (which will, as usual, be showcased in their own post). My original intention was to use Jerry for the denim and leather sewing that I plan to do, but since he's currently on vacation, I have to improvise. I know that my Brother is out of the question, because it's had issues with several layers of satin, even with a new needle. My only other choice is Antoinette, but I wasn't entirely confident in the abilities of that machine. As it turns out, I am able to get through it, but my worry was definitely justified; there were several times in which I had to push the needle down with my hand because the force of the motor wasn't enough to get it through the fabric. Hopefully, as I sew more of the jeans, it'll become easier for Antoinette to handle.

Going back to college is going to be a bit difficult (and not just because of all the fabric I have to fit inside half of a dorm room). I'm only taking my Brother machine (Antoinette is staying home because of transportation and space issues, and Jerry is still currently out of commission), so the amount of things that I can do is relatively limited. Also, due to the small amount of space, cutting fabric is going to be a no-go unless I use one of the tables in the lounge.

To prepare for my rapidly approaching schooldays, I've cut out the pieces for all seven of my remaining pairs of pants, all six of my remaining knit shirts, and my Gold Satin Taffeta A-line Gown. Cutting is by far my least favorite part of sewing, so I decided to get most of it over with at the same time ("same time" being loosely used here, as it took me two days to get it all done). While at school, I'll be able to do all the overcasting on the denim with my Brother, and then I'll sew them on weekends or breaks when I'm home. The trousers and gown I'll be able to sew while I'm at college, and I'll be able to sew the bodies of the shirts and leave the finishing for when I'm home. I have no classes on Mondays, so this plan should work out perfectly.

This box is filled with the leftover fabric after I cut everything out. Apparently I'm really bad at approximating the amount of fabric I need. Oh well, better to err on the safe side! And if I manage to finish with my 17 garments early, I'll have enough to add some! I've got ideas already...

I feel that this post (and the next two) should be enough to quell everyone's doubts as to whether or not I'll have enough time to finish this project (I know you've had them. I can sense it. Shame on you...meanies). I probably won't get any more work done until Monday (this weekend is my sister-in-law's baby shower, so I'll be helping my mom get all the stuff ready for that), so don't be alarmed when I don't post (after the little posting I've done over the past month-ish, it shouldn't be surprising). Stay tuned for the next two posts--two more pieces!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Not A Fan...

I would like to begin by announcing that what I say now, I say out of annoyance.

For anyone who hasn't paid attention (which is most likely everyone), I haven't posted in about a week and a half. This is because I haven't sewn in a week and a half. Why? I don't feel like it. I've been catching crap for the past few days about it, and at this point, I'm just sick of it all. For those of you throwing the crap, it's my project; not yours. I'm fully aware of my time frame and what all I have left to do. If I mess up, I mess up alone. If I get it right, I get it right alone.

I've lost my motivation. It happens. I'm not worried, but due to all the aforementioned crap, I'm now even less eager to start up again. Congratulations.

When I have something to show you, I'll blog about it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel...

The musical is finished! Honestly, I'm very happy about it. I'm not even in the show and I've been putting in more hours in the last two weeks than the cast! As with any large group of people, there's bound to be some drama, and in the theater, that drama is so much more intense than it is in real life. I'm not going to get into it, but let's just say that the stress of it all has been driving me insane.

I wasn't able to get a picture of the girls in my costumes, so you'll just have to take my word for it that they looked really good on stage. We ended up having issues with the velcro (I couldn't find sew-on velcro at JoAnn's so I used industrial strength velcro with adhesive on the back. With the quick costume changes, the humidity in the room, and the slight fuzz on the fabric, it just did not want to stay on, so the girls ended up being pinned into their vests every night).

I did do some sewing, but it's not really something for my line. Since I was backstage during the musical, I needed to be dressed in all black. I've been wanting to make a jumpsuit for a while, and I had enough black knit left to do so, so I decided to make one that I could wear backstage.

I really wanted to use Canadian (or Lattice) Smocking, because I love the way it looks when it's finished. I think it looks great, and it definitely gives some shape at the waist. The crotch is about 2 inches too low, which makes me feel very disproportionate, and I wish the smocking pulled in more at the back, but other than that I'm really proud of my first jumpsuit pattern. It's a little difficult getting used to wearing a jumpsuit (when you sit down, the entire garment shifts backwards, which is a bit weird), but I love how easy it is, and the fabric is so comfortable! I got several compliments on it during the show!

In other news, I had a lovely visit from my grandparents and their friend Joan, who has so kindly allowed me to use her serger for the duration of the summer (which is only about three more weeks!). She taught me how to use it, and then I showed them some of the things that I've made before as well as what I've been working on so far for my line. I'm not going to lie; my 6 garments seemed pretty weak. I would have felt better if I had at least one pair of pants made, but I don't. I feel like I'm really far behind.

My grandparents also brought me some fabric which my Great Uncle Clair had gotten for me. One is what seems like an entire bolt of cotton fabric with dark pink roses on a black background. I like this fabric, but I'm still not sure what I'll ever do with so many yards of it... The other fabric is some type of baby pink flannel with what looks like 80s style Louisiana jazz musicians and dancers on it. It's very odd fabric. I'm slightly concerned that this particular fabric reminds Clair of me, but I'm not about to turn fabric away. I can definitely make a pair of pajama pants out of it, if not more. I'll save that for later.

And now for the bad news... Jerry, my sturdy Singer machine has sadly died. I got the call earlier this week from the shop and they said that one of the hooks inside the machine needed to be replaced so that the timing of the machine could be set properly, but the machine is so old that the parts for it aren't made anymore. So, now I'm searching for a machine to replace it.